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(2023, January 19th) This project was shutdown in early 2022, and most of the participants have left the company. If you have any problem, please contact or

(2021, November 26th) Updated release including 15,663 CAD drawings.

(2021, August 13th) Initial release including 11,602 CAD drawings.


Access to large and diverse CAD drawings is critical for developing vector graphics and symbol related algorithms. Here, we present FloorPlanCAD, a large-scale real-world CAD drawing dataset containing over 15,000 floor plans, ranging from residential to commercial buildings. With line-grained annotations, we introduce the panoptic symbol spotting task, which requires spotting both instances of countable things and semantics of the uncountable stuff. Other tasks will be available in the future.

The rich semantic, accurate location and detailed 3D shape (middle) of windows (light blue), blind windows (blue), railings (orange) and walls (dark red) are faithfully encoded in the CAD drawings of a floor plan (left) and its south facade (right).


CAD drawings in the dataset are in the SVG format. An illustration of our FloorPlanCAD dataset.

Detailed properties and statistics can be found here


Fan, Zhiwen and Zhu, Lingjie and Li, Honghua and Zhu, Siyu and Tan, Ping


We are grateful to our partners for providing the CAD drawings and support.

Paper and Citation

Please cite our paper if you use the FloorPlanCAD dataset.

  author = {Fan, Zhiwen and Zhu, Lingjie and Li, Honghua and Zhu, Siyu and Tan, Ping},
  title = {FloorPlanCAD: A Large-Scale CAD Drawing Dataset for Panoptic Symbol},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month = {October},
  year = {2021}


The annotations in this dataset along with this website belong to us and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License. We do not own the copyright of the drawings.


By downloading the dataset you agree to the following terms:

The authors give no warranties regarding the dataset.

The users of the dataset accept full responsibility for the use of the dataset, including but not limited to the use of any copies of copyrighted dataset that they may create from the dataset.


The dataset is versioned to accommodate for future updates of the data chunks and tasks.

File Formats

Each drawing in the dataset consists of the following file formats:


Based on the CAD drawings from the FloorPlanCAD dataset, we provide the following benchmarks for the task of panoptic symbol spotting.

Panoptic symbol spotting task

We provide a GCN-based base-line and list the statistical results on the proposed dataset. For more details, please refer to the source code page.